Hello and welcome to our Ease The Pressure website.
Please fill out the form below to proceed to the Home Page.
This site is provided as an information service for veterinary professionals in the United Kingdom. Registration is only permitted for veterinary professionals, by completing the registration form you confirm that you are a veterinary professional associated with a veterinary practice in the UK. For this reason please state the name of your veterinary practice in the “Practice Name” field above, incomplete registrations or those not associated with a veterinary practice may be removed from the site. For all other visitors, including cat owners more information on feline high blood pressure can be found at catbloodpressure.com
If you have previously registered, please scroll down to Log In.
Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy
This is a UK veterinary professionals website created by Ceva Animal Health please note that the site is not intended for use in other geographies.
By joining, you are agreeing to our Terms and Privacy Policy
Information on data confidentiality.
The personal data collected in this form are only intended to Ceva Animal Health as part of your participation in this website and will not be disclosed to a third party without the registrants prior consent.
This registration is subject to the terms of Ceva’s privacy policy which can be viewed here https://www.ceva.co.uk/Footer-links/Privacy-policy
The Data will be kept for the duration necessary for the purpose of processing, i.e. for all active accounts using the website inactive accounts will be reviewed and deleted annually.
In accordance with the regulations on personal data, registrants have the right to access, rectify, limit the processing and portability of their Data.
Registrants may also object to the processing, withdraw their consent and request the deletion of their Data.
Registrants who object to the processing, withdraw their consent or request the deletion of their data will have their accounts deleted and become unable to access the site.
Registrants may exercise their rights as defined above by writing to the following e-mail address: cevauk@ceva.com.

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