Welcome to our CPD hub – here you’ll find the latest CPD on senior feline medicine


Take our complete Hypertension Mini-series with Dr Sarah Caney in association with CPD solutions



How do I Treat Hypertension?: More Than One Condition – Dr Roseanne Jepson
(44 mins)

Webinar from Dr Roseanne Jepson BVSc MVetMed PhD DipACVIM DipECVIM PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS on Feline Hypertension covering diagnosis and management (including indirect ophthalmoscopy). With case examples of common and more challenging feline hypertension cases.

Hypertension in Cats (2019) – Dr Sarah Caney
(60 mins)

In this webinar Dr Sarah Caney BVSc PhD DSAM(Feline) MRCVS CEO of Vet Professionals covers all aspects of feline hypertension.

What is CKD – Dr Roseanne Jepson
(52 mins) (2020)

Webinar from Dr Roseanne Jepson BVSc MVetMed PhD DipACVIM DipECVIM PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS on Chronic Kidney Disease in cats. A comprehensive overview covering kidney physiology, CKD pathology, diagnosis and diagnostic tests (Including IRIS staging), assessment of proteinuria and management of CKD with case examples.

How do I Treat Hypertension?:
More Than One Condition

Dr Roseanne Jepson
(44 mins)

Webinar from Dr Roseanne Jepson BVSc MVetMed PhD DipACVIM DipECVIM PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS on Feline Hypertension covering diagnosis and management (including indirect ophthalmoscopy). With case examples of common and more challenging feline hypertension cases.

Hypertension in Cats (2019)

Dr Sarah Caney
(60 mins)

In this webinar Dr Sarah Caney BVSc PhD DSAM(Feline) MRCVS CEO of Vet Professionals covers all aspects of feline hypertension.

What is CKD

Dr Roseanne Jepson
(52 mins) (2020)

Webinar from Dr Roseanne Jepson BVSc MVetMed PhD DipACVIM DipECVIM PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS on Chronic Kidney Disease in cats. A comprehensive overview covering kidney physiology, CKD pathology, diagnosis and diagnostic tests (Including IRIS staging), assessment of proteinuria and management of CKD with case examples.


Please click on an image to download the PDF

How to take blood pressure in cats

How to perform a retinal exam


Check out our handy bite-sized videos

Classification, diagnosis and treatment of hypertension with Amodip®  – Dr Roseanne Jepson (5 mins) (2020)

Webinar clip from Dr Roseanne Jepson BVSc MVetMed PhD DipACVIM DipECVIM PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS on Feline Hypertension covering when and how to treat feline hypertension in cats

Amlodipine and it’s effects on Proteinuria – Dr Roseanne Jepson (2 mins) (2018)

In this short video (2 minutes) recorded at ISFM Sorrento 2018 Roseanne Jepson discusses the literature on use of Amlodipine as a therapeutic agent for hypertension and it’s effect on proteinuria in cats

Measuring Blood Pressure – Dr Roseanne Jepson (5 mins) (2020)

Webinar clip from Dr Roseanne Jepson PhD DipACVIM DipECVIM PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS on Feline Hypertension covering how to measure and identify hypertension in cats using measurement of SBP and ocular examination for target organ damage

Classification, diagnosis and treatment of hypertension with Amodip®

Dr Roseanne Jepson (5 mins) (2020)

Webinar clip from Dr Roseanne Jepson BVSc MVetMed PhD DipACVIM DipECVIM PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS on Feline Hypertension covering when and how to treat feline hypertension in cats

Amlodipine and it’s effects on Proteinuria

Dr Roseanne Jepson (2 mins) (2018)

In this short video (2 minutes) recorded at ISFM Sorrento 2018 Roseanne Jepson discusses the literature on use of Amlodipine as a therapeutic agent for hypertension and it’s effect on proteinuria in cats

Measuring Blood Pressure

Dr Roseanne Jepson (5 mins) (2020)

Webinar clip from Dr Roseanne Jepson PhD DipACVIM DipECVIM PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS on Feline Hypertension covering how to measure and identify hypertension in cats using measurement of SBP and ocular examination for target organ damage


ACVIM consensus statement:
Guidelines for the identification, evaluation, and management of systemic hypertension

ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Hypertension in Cats

ACVIM consensus statement:
Guidelines for the identification, evaluation, and management of systemic hypertension

ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Hypertension in Cats

Amodip® Product Details

Amodip® 1.25mg Chewable Tablets for Cats – Active substance: Amlodipine 1.25 mg (Equivalent to 1.73 mg of amlodipine besilate).   Legal Category: UK POM-V IE POM . Further information can be found in the SPC, the datasheet or the pack leaflet. Advice should only be sought from the prescriber.  Use medicines responsibly (www.noah.co.uk/responsible). Ceva Animal Health Ltd, Explorer House, Mercury Park, Wooburn Green, Buckinghamshire HP10 0HH United Kingdom Telephone: 01628 334 056 www.ceva.co.uk